Let us now look at the fourteen questions I have compiled for you to determine if you may have ROCD Type 2.  Make sure you are indeed diagnosed with ROCD by a professional. If you want to determine whether you have ROCD Type 2 or not, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you doubt your partner’s attraction towards you by checking if she seems happier with other people?
  2. Do you worry about your physical imperfections and wonder if your partner may stop loving you because of that? For example, thinking things like ‘Am I too fat for my partner?’ (Please note that this perceived inadequacy should not be a general inadequacy in your mind but specific to your partner).
  3. Do you constantly test your partner’s love for you? For example, sending a text and expecting a text back immediately, or saying ‘I love you’ just to see if she says it back exactly the way you want to hear it.
  4. Do you try to read too much meaning into your partner’s words? For example, do you keep wondering why she used or did not use specific words while talking to you and whether that means that she does not love you?
  5. Do you constantly feel uncertain about whether or not you are in the ‘right’ relationship and that maybe there’s someone better out there for you who would love you the way you wanted?
  6. Do you constantly look at other couples and wonder how much in love they seem to be and why your partner cannot behave that way with you?
  7. Do you find yourself suspecting everything that your partner says and does? Do you think it is an indication that she is lying to you?
  8. Do you seek reassurance from your friends to observe your partner’s behavior and confirm to you whether your partner seem to be in love with you or not?
  9. Do you constantly question your partner and seek explanations about her behavior? Does your partner feel you have become overbearing?
  10. Do you want to go to the next level in your relationship too fast? Do you want your partner to commit to you too soon? Do you feel insecure in your relationship at the current stage?
  11. Do you avoid watching romantic movies or TV shows that bring up unwanted thoughts and anxiety related to your relationships?
  12. Do you persistently look for answers on the internet and online forums?
  13. Do you find yourself stalking your partner’s social media profiles to catch her in a lie, even though she has not given you a reason to?
  14. Do you think that your partner may find something bad about your past and choose to leave you?

Again, if you have answered most of these questions with a yes, and you constantly have these thoughts on your mind, to the point of dysfunctionality, you may have ROCD Type 2. For example, if you think that your partner may find something bad about your past and may leave you, and if you feel distressed about it, it may be a sign that you have ROCD Type 2. However, ROCD Type 2 may not be a simple thing to diagnose as you cannot determine the real feelings of the other person. Hence, a professional needs to be consulted for the same. 

These are not the only signs and there could be various others. But these signs would give you an idea of how ROCD can be detected. These questions have been included in Worksheet 4, which you should look at again along with your partner to determine signs of ROCD Type 2 that you experience. 

In the next chapter, we shall take a look at signs that you may have ROCD Type 3. 


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